Billy Imar is the new Chief Operations Officer for Water PNG

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Water PNG yesterday announced that Billy Imar, former Eda Ranu CEO, is the new Chief Operations Officer (COO) for the organization. During the Management briefing yesterday, Chief Executive – Managing Director Mr. Raka Taviri Jr. made the announcement following recent management changes and appointments.

In his new role, Mr. Imar will be responsible for overseeing day-to-day operations and ensuring nationwide alignment with competitive corporate strategies to enhance service delivery to Water PNG’s customers. Imar will manage three core divisions namely Engineering, Operations and Customer Service.

“Billy will play a key role in positioning Water PNG for marketplace success. A 27-year water and sanitation veteran, Billy brings a diverse set of leadership skills, extensive operations expertise and a successful track record that we will leverage across the company,” said Chief Executive – Managing Director (CE-MD) Mr. Raka Taviri Jr.

“Billy will help Water PNG to successfully navigate significant changes in Water PNG’s transition through the corporatization process and is well-experienced to provide senior leadership as Water PNG continually shifts operations to more effectively serve customers as directed by the PNG Government and its Vision 2050,” said Mr. Taviri.

Mr. Imar has been recognized for his business leadership by Eda Ranu when he served as Chief Executive Officer.

Mr. Imar replaces Mr. Raka Taviri Jr. who formerly served as COO and is now the Chief Executive – Managing Director.

Water PNG also announced the appointment of the three new managers for its Engineering and Major Projects Division.

Mr. Sebastian Tomausi as the new Manager for Capital Works Program, Ms. Roslynne Bouraga as the Manager for Major Projects and Kila Gare as the new Manager for Engineering Planning.

Background Information about Water PNG:

Water PNG is a State Owned Enterprise responsible for the provision of water and sanitation services throughout Papua New Guinea (PNG).

As stipulated under the National Water Supply and Sewerage Act (NWSSA) 1986, the mandated role of Water PNG is to plan, develop and manage all water supply and sewerage systems in PNG except in Port Moresby.

Water PNG currently operates and manages reticulated water supply and sewerage systems in 19 major provincial towns and districts except in Port Moresby. The nation’s capital water supply and sewerage services are managed by a separate National Capital District Water Supply and Sewerage Act 1996 under Eda Ranu.

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